Irish Kisses Boxed Set Read online

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  Many thanks for your understanding.

  Bien à toi

  Madame Evangeline.

  “If you’re not Elizabeth, who the hell are ya?” All this time he wasn’t sure if he lived up to what she hoped for in a blind date, of sorts, and she had lied to spend time with him. Holy show. She, whoever she was, wanted him that much?

  “That’s wot I’ve been trying to tell you. I’m not the one you arranged to meet tonight.”

  “I think I know that…now. Hmm, something tells me the other Elizabeth turned up just as we left the reception, right?”

  She nodded, a smirk breaking out and wrinkling her little snub nose. He couldn’t say she reminded him of anyone famous. She had a unique look she could call her own. Her bright attitude and short build reminded him of a nineteen twenties flapper.

  “That’s why ya wanted ta get the hell out of there?” He admired her spunk.

  She nodded again.

  “Go on?”

  “It happened after I mistook you for someone just cast in The East End. Thought I’d make nice with you to help get me the part. But you didn’t give me a bleedin’ chance to speak with your dancing and fuck-me eyes. No man I’ve dated has ever looked at me like that. You kinda nicked my horse and cart…heart, erm, I mean my breath.”

  “An actress, I see. Explains why ya thought I was an actor when we first met. Well, thank ya, fate, or whatever it was that brought us together tonight.”

  “Thank your dancing tutor, because your moves sealed the deal.”

  His dance tutor. Aoife. Why’d he have to think of her when this stunning woman was ready and waiting? Was he nuts? In fact, he could feel his prick disappearing into his nuts at the mere mention of her. Needy bitch had messed him up something rotten.

  “See, this is why I don’t date.”

  “Sorry? Didn’t you hear me, Devlin? I’m not after dating you. I’m after that one night of hot sex you had planned with an Elizabeth. Hopefully this Elizabeth—Liz—will do.”

  Chapter Four

  They raced through the hotel—the plush carpets softening their tread and three-tier crystal chandlers lighting the way.

  Running the few twisting steps to the elevators, she trailed the polished wood of the banisters with a light touch.

  “Quit making out ya stroking me cock and hurry up.” He pulled her along.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to do this. Ain’t I naughty?”

  “Very naughty.” He pressed the circular button and the elevator pinged open.

  An old couple, holding hands, exited, blue rinsed hair and all.

  As Liz turned, lingering on their intimacy, a longing she’d never even realized she had cloaked her heart and tightened her chest. She’d never thought about the future before, always living for today. The couple’s comfortable togetherness ignited a sense of dread that she might be alone when her career ended. Would any man she’d dated stick around beyond the glitz and glamour? Nope. And she wouldn’t want them to. None of them had been heart stoppers. Just a bit of fun and a nice edge for her public image.

  Devlin yanked her into the metal enclosure. Some romance tune played in the background, God-awful quality. Crackly. Tinny.

  He spun her like a pro into a tight hold then rocked from side to side.

  “If I could just figure out what I did ta deserve ya, I’d do it ten times over,” he rasped, warm breath skating across her cheek and sending prickly goose bumps over her limbs.

  Fuck, he was gorgeous and she ached for him, to have his hands all over her, and to have his cock buried deep inside her.

  The doors opened at their floor. He raced ahead then paused, looking left and right. “What number room is it?”

  She checked the hotel card. “Ninety six.”

  “Here it is. Aren’t ya gonna use that little key thing ya have ta let us in?” He leaned against the wall, his shirt askew. Ripped chest. Cute dimples. Oh boy. How she’d like to ride him…hard. She would, too. For the first time in her entire life, she was going to get naked with someone she wanted to for the sheer hell of it. No benefits. No strings. Just a great fuck. Hell, yeah. Action!

  “Here, you do it.”

  He grabbed the card from her and unlocked the handle. Before she could protest, he reached for her hand, dragged her inside, and pinned her against the back of the door. His mouth pressed on hers while he unbuttoned her jeans and slipped a finger to the entrance of her throbbing sex. He massaged her clit; rough, careless. That wouldn’t get her anywhere except frustrated.

  She placed her hand over his and manipulated his movements. A quick learner, she liked that, and it left her free to yank his pants down and grab his huge, hard cock. Oh yeah. She wanted to pat herself on the back for the best decision she’d made. Ever.

  “I assume you have condoms since you planned a 1Night Stand?” she said.

  “That I do, in me jacket.”

  “Then quit fucking around and put one on.” Liz bounced on to the king-sized bed decked out in a silk-embroidered bedspread. She slipped out of her jeans and unhooked her bra as he focused on her every movement. Enjoying his attention, she slowed the striptease down and threw her G-string at him before rolling over on all fours. “Come and get me.”

  “What are ya doing?” He laughed.

  “Erm, waiting for you, big boy. Are we going to have Posh and Becks or wot?”

  “I take it you mean sex? Or what…. I’m not a wham-bam-thank-ya-ma’am kinda man. I like ta take me time.”

  “Nu-uh. We can take our time later. But right now, I want to play.”

  She reached to the juncture of her thighs and spread her juices about.

  “Shit, that’s hot. Holy show, hold that thought. Stay right there. Do. Not. Move.” She heard him slip out into the corridor. The door slammed shut behind him. She hoped he had taken the room key. Or she’d have to answer a knock in her birthday suit.

  “Are you having a laugh?” Liz slumped on the bed, face down. She turned her head and let out one almighty sigh. At least the room was a nice temperature, so no freezing her bottom off while she waited for him to come back. If he came back.

  Sounds of the key-card slipping into the lock alerted her to the fact that he had no intention of leaving her like that. She scrambled back to position and arched her back so her arse would stick out and lure him. A quick fluff of her wig and she found herself hoping it would stay on during heavy-duty sex. She’d never test-driven it in such circumstances before. It should, though. So long as she didn’t start hanging from the chandelier, it’d be all good.

  “Doing all right there?”

  “Fine.” She turned to see him rummaging in a big, pink toolbox. “Wot do you have there?”

  “Ah, ha. See, there’s one thing ya should know about me, Liz. I like ta play with toys. All kinds of toys, and I had this arranged especially for tonight.” He pulled out some fancy rope and snapped it. “My little toy fetish freaked me fiancée out. Kinda disgusted her. I tried ta be more vanilla for her. Me and her, though, it just wasn’t meant ta be. I should have known the first time she turned her nose up at using a simple vibrator. But I’m a sucker for punishment. Are ya?” He grinned.

  “Erm, are you asking me wot I think you’re asking me?”

  “Depends. What do ya think I’m asking ya?”

  He leaned forward and kissed her bottom, grabbing hold of her thighs. “Time ta find out how naughty ya are, wouldn’t ya say?”

  “Very naughty. I do hope you’ll teach me a lesson, show me the light,” she teased, wiggling under his touch.

  Applying pressure, he ran his hands to the inside of her legs, and guided them apart. “Would ya mind if I tied ya up?”

  “Before you start, my safe word is cherry. You hear? Cherry.” She repeated it several times to be certain he’d heard her.

  “Fine. But ya don’t need a safe word with me. Just ask me ta stop, and I will.”

  “But I might say stop but mean keep going. So cherry is the only word that
means stop. Now that’s sorted, you can tie me up.” She couldn’t believe a stranger could render her this powerless. What a slasher movie survival no-no. He could have anything in that box…anything. Oh, cripes. The mystery of the unknown thrilled her to no end, and tingles of excitement rushed through her whole being. She couldn’t wait to give herself over to him. To not have to think. A well-earned holiday from controlling everything and everyone in her life.

  He weaved the pink silk restraints through the wood slatted headboard and around her wrists, binding them together, slipping a finger between the bindings and her skin from time to time, and asking if it was too tight. Then he brought it down the length of her body, through her legs, across her pussy, and around her waist in an intricate pattern. She’d heard about this, seen pictures on the net. Japanese silk rope bondage. The idea never had appealed to her. Perhaps she’d been wrong? The butterflies in her tummy and the throbbing in her pussy suggested so.

  Pulling the length taut, he tied her ankles together.

  Each time she moved, even just to let out a breath, the rope snagged on her wet sex and teased her that bit more.

  “While yar tied up, Liz, yar mine. Do as I say and do it with an eagerness ta please. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure ya get what ya want…eventually. Hold on, this is going ta be an intense experience.”

  “Don’t leave me waiting too long or I’ll orgasm just being in doggy pose with this rope teasing my pussy. Can you move it to the side or something, so it’s not rubbing on my clit so much?”

  “No, it stays put. Ya like being teased. I can see it in ya eyes.” He moved under her and licked her swollen entrance, wrapping his tongue around the silk bindings and inside her. An unbidden groan escaped her. No, she didn’t like being teased…too much. Impatience nagged at her. Had since they’d entered the hotel lobby.

  But it was his game, and she’d never done anything like this before, so she figured she might as well grit her teeth and ride it out. He didn’t help matters when he stripped down in front of her. A delicious sight. He worked out, had to with a body like that. Or maybe he danced a lot. A light sun-kiss on his ripped chest and over his groin. Sun bed? Or did he sunbathe naked? She’d like to see that. Her mind carried her to the beach, on a steaming hot day where he shimmered in the sun as the light bounced from his tanning oil. Sigh.

  He massaged her left breast, and then her right, brushing her hard peaks with his thumb. Then he traced something cold across her sensitive skin. A pain shot from her right nipple into her chest. And then the other. Ripped from the sand, sun, sex daydream, she screamed. “Wot the…? Cherry! Cherry!”

  “Nipple clamps are ta much for ya? I thought ya were feistier than that. Are ya sure ya want ta cry stop? Just give it a second, maybe?”

  Sure enough, her erect nipples, once tingling with arousal, were squished into little metal devices with sharp teeth that kinda hurt. “Move past the pain and focus. How does it feel?”

  Pain, or was it the shock that hurt? She focused on the sensation and found it didn’t hurt. Hot. Tingly. Naughty. “Devlin, you’re a kinky bugger. I withdraw cherry. Carry on.”


  She glanced at him, only to be greeted by his cock jutting toward her. “Yes, please.”

  “Ya do want this inside ya, don’t ya, Liz?”

  She nodded. Perhaps a little too eager with her gesture, for he grinned and his eyes lit up, sparkling with mischief.

  “You want ta feel it go deep inside?” The fucker grabbed hold of his shaft and pulled on it, used his other hand to massage his balls. What torture was that? She wanted to rip the ropes off and dive onto him. “I want it as well. See?” He pointed to the pre-cum glistening on the tip.

  “You can be inside me, right this very minute, if you so desire.” She purred and licked her upper lip. “Let me taste you. Please?”

  He cradled her head and guided her lips to his raging hard-on. She opened her mouth in readiness, but he paused a second before allowing her to touch his velvet smooth stiff.

  “Close yar mouth. That’s it. Suck a little while stroking the head with yar tongue.” She did as he asked, her innards twisting as need swallowed her whole.

  Excitement got the better of her, and she lunged forward, taking his cock all the way in. She sucked hard and wanted to throw her hands on his bottom and mouth fuck him until he came. But if he orgasmed now, when would her release come?

  He chuckled, and stepped back.

  “That’s enough. It’s my turn ta do something for ya. Ready?”

  She nodded.

  He moved to the end of the bed and brought something out of his box of magic tricks.

  “Just a second, I need ta prep it first. Rule of toys is always clean and lube up first.” It drove her crazy that she couldn’t see what he was up to, what toy he wanted to play with next.

  Circling his thumb around her back entrance, he massaged lubricant around the tight opening. Then he eased something short and thin into her and she willed her muscles to relax and accommodate his task. She didn’t know what to make of it; her gut reaction was to tense up her butt-cheeks and ask him what the hell…but then he circled it and it hit the back of her G-spot through the thick layers of skin and muscle. She let out an “Ohh” and then the thing deep inside her vibrated.

  “Ya okay?”

  “I will be…when you’re inside my pussy.”

  “Ha, soon. Very soon. Let me get ya warmed up first.” He maneuvered the vibrator so it pushed against the wall behind her vagina and changed the pattern of the vibrations to a vrr vrr vrr rather than a straight up vrr. The starting and stopping of the rhythm along with his expert angling of the toy heightened the already intense buzz filling her pussy. And then he slid it farther in and hooked his free hand under to her slit and parted her swollen flesh. Teasing her all the more, he circled his thumb over her lips and pushed her over the edge. The vibrator in her anal passage wasn’t filling enough. No way would she satiate her desires in this manner. She needed him. In the flesh. And inside her vagina. Now.

  “Devlin, it’s been fun and all…but I need you inside me. Any warmer and I’ll be combusting.”

  “No, ya won’t.” He untied her ankles and spread her legs.

  Sounds of ripping foil.


  “Yes, I’m wearing a condom.” The sweet sensation of swollen cock easing its way into her, filling her, sent her into a frenzy at the idea of release ahead.

  He teased her G-spot with slow and hard penetrations that reached deep inside her and made her toes curl. Body humming, her excitement built, and a tingling began in her stomach and shot down to her pussy. The vibrations in her bottom, along with him plunging into her, gave her a very full feeling, made every sensation triple, every entry super blissful, and—

  Heat collected between her legs and rose through her body, releasing in an earth-shattering cry she was sure the whole hotel must have heard. Maybe even half of London. She gasped and managed to say, “I’m coming,” before muscle spasms fluttered her hot pussy around his length and sent her into a delirious state of bliss. “Fantastic” she cried, and collapsed face down on the bed. He flipped her and gave her the sweetest kiss.

  “Now can we take our time?” A dimple appeared in his left cheek, then his right, as his grin grew. “I want ta savor every second I’m inside ya, Liz. And I’ve never been one ta dip my stick and run.”

  “Not the way Charlotte blabbed about it.”

  “Hmm, Charlotte. She talks a load of crap, so she does. Whenever I get the chance, I like ta make sex stretch out the whole night.”

  “Is that because you know you’ll never see them again?”

  “Shush. Tonight isn’t about talk, is it?” He parted her thighs and slid his thickness into her. “Ya so wet, I think ya want more.” Yes, she did. But he didn’t give her the chance to tell him so. He explored her mouth with his tongue and drove deep inside her. Looking into his eyes and the intense stare of a man bound to please
her, she had never been so cherished and felt like the center of his world. Even if it was just for one night, she reveled in her decision to sleep with this Irish devil.

  Cradling her face, he closed his eyes and met her mouth with his. His pace picked up. Sensing his urgency, she rocked her hips in rhythm with him and rubbed her pubic bone against his. Frantic in speed, he paused, his mouth over hers and his breath became erratic. He knelt and hoisted her legs over his shoulders and pushed his full length inside her then slowed his penetrations and made the sexiest grunts with each insertion. Pace picked up again. He groaned loud—if anyone was in the next room, they would have heard him—then shot his release inside her.

  “I’d love nothing more than ta fall asleep still inside ya.” he whispered, falling to her side and removing the nipple clamps. Relief coursed through her, yet at the same time, she missed the pinching sensation. Rolling her over, he slipped the vibrating butt-plug out which looked more like a giant baby’s dummy than a sex toy, and planted tiny kisses over the length of her.

  “Devlin, do you think I’m a slut to want just one night with you?”

  “No. I think ya made the right choice.”

  “So do I.”

  Cuddling up behind her he purred, “I could get used ta this.” He kissed her cheek and ran his fingers through her hair, dislodging her wig. “What is this?” He pulled it off and her soft, blonde tendrils tumbled down.

  “It’s not like a wig does that much to disguise me.”

  He cupped her cheeks and turned her to face him. “Smile for me.”

  “Yup. You know who I am.”

  “The fucking toothpaste woman? Why are ya wearing a wig? And why didn’t ya tell me who ya were before?”

  “I didn’t bleedin’ lie about my name. I just didn’t do anything to let you know otherwise. It was nice, being with someone who wanted to be with me, just me, for a change. Besides, who’s to say you wouldn’t go running to the press with photos of us or something? Make a fortune.”